It is so difficult to choose my favorite memory with Cade because I have so many. Something I love so much about Cade is how deep of a person he was. We would talk about such deep, meaningful things all the time. We always had these huge, crazy ideas and plans we wanted to do. One day (it was actually a year ago today, so it’s ironic that I’m typing this now) we were sitting in my room and we thought we heard one of my roommates and one of their friends talking badly about me and our other friend. We just ended up leaving because we didn’t want to be around their negative energy. We went to go get food and we had this whole conversation about how people can just be so mean sometimes. We decided to start doing random acts of kindness because it is so simple to make someone’s day. We just wanted to make the world a better place and try to take away some of the negativity. Just by being himself Cade brought me so much happiness every time I was with him. He cared about his people so much. Making people’s days was something that came very naturally to Cade, so it wasn’t anything new for him, but we just wanted to try and do nice things more often. He also just made everyone he met immediately love him. He just had a certain sparkle that not a lot of people have. Something I will never forget is when we went to Ian’s Pizza and Cade just immediately struck up a conversation with one of the workers. Cade left such an effect on him that he just ended up giving him his pizza for free. It’s so crazy that even when strangers just met Cade and talked to him for a few minutes they could see how special he was. I could type memories about him all day and say every single thing I love about Cade, but i’ll just share one more. Another thing I love about him is how selfless he was. One time we went hammocking at sunset with one of our other friends and I got my shoes all muddy walking to the spot. I was worried about ruining my shoes, so I just decided to go barefoot, but Cade refused to let me do that, so he gave me a piggy back ride back. I just will never forget how much of an impact he had on my life and I’m so glad I got to call him my best friend. I strive to be more like him❤️-Ari Zimmerman

Ari, thank you so much for sharing these beautiful memories of Cade and his sparkle. It’s also so nice to know the back story of this awesome picture! ❤️ Love you!